Galveston and the surrounding bay area constantly deal with problems like pollution, destruction of habitats and erosion. Galveston Bay is Texas’ largest estuary and is one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. It provides many benefits to society, including fisheries/seafood, water quality improvement, flood and storm protection, regulation of local climate, aesthetics and recreational opportunities such as swimming, boating and bird watching.
Galveston beaches offer exciting things for families to do, but they are also home to increasing amounts of trash and pollutants that end up in the ocean water as well. Water is an essential thing for life on earth and when the beaches, oceans and bodies of water around us are polluted it affects the life of organisms in the water but it can also affect us. All different types of trash take a really, really long time to decompose. Let's look at how pollution affects us and the organisms around us and how we can begin to help make a better, cleaner planet to live on. How? Watch the video below to help you understand how pollution is a big problem.
Use this video on pollution to help you complete the activity here.