Independent Short Term Rental Sign Up

If you are an independently owned & or operated short term rental property, such as AirBnB or VRBO, please fill out the form below to join our online reservations & booking website.

Contact Information

Property Location

Please include your GVR registration ID.


Upload one image of your property in .jpg, .png or .webp format. Minimum size is 400x300 pixels. Max file size is 6MB. Tiff files and PDF files will not be uploaded. Please avoid using logos. 

Upload an additional images of your property in .jpg, .png or .webp format. Minimum size is 400x300 pixels. Max file size is 2MB, 8 MB total for all images. Tiff files and PDF files will not be uploaded. Please avoid using logos. 

Property Details

Include a brief overview of your property. 4500 character limit.
Property Amenities