Film Permit Application

Project Type

Please list the following (when applicable):

A certificate of liability insurance is required prior to filming. Minimum limits: $2M General Aggregate/ $1M Each Occurrence. The following entities must be named as additional insured:

Galveston Park Board

Attn: Bryan Kunz

601 Tremont

Galveston, TX 77550

City of Galveston

Attn: City Manager's Office

823 Rosenberg

Galveston, TX 77550

If you have already completed this step, please upload a copy of the declaration page showing these two entities listed. (PDF only)

Fire Permit: For use of squibs and pyrotechnics, a fire permit must be filed with the Fire Marshall's office. Additional special effects and chemical use may also require this.

CVB Tracking Information: (info will be used by CVB only):

Other City Requirements:

- License to Use Permit: If your shoot requires traffic control or pedestrian control on a public right-of-way, you will need to file a License to Use Temporary Permit with the City of Galveston's Planning Department. It may require you to hire police officers on site during the duration of the shoot.

- Loudspeaker Permit: You must file a Loudspeaker Permit with the City of Galveston City Manager's Office for any amplified sound or excessive noise involved in your production.

- A signed and approved copy of the permits must be submitted prior to filming.

I agree to comply with all the provisions of City of Galveston laws, rules and regulations, and those of the State of Texas, and hereby states that the above information is accurate and correct.

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