Texas Adopt-A-Beach Clean Up

Sep 28th

Texas Adopt-A-Beach Clean Up

TIME: Check-in opens at 8:30 am and we clean until noon!

CHECK-IN LOCATION: Menard Park: 27th and Seawall Blvd


  • Pre-register your group online.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes and bring plenty of drinking water and a hat.
  • Adopt-A-Beach will provide all necessary cleanup supplies, but consider bringing your own set of garden or work gloves to use and a reuseable water bottle.
  • Download the CleanSwell app to track the trash you find!
  • Review our Frequently Asked Questions! English or Spanish

Online registration will remain open until 11 am on Saturday, September 28th.

For more information, contact the Site Coordinator listed for the site you want to visit. You can also call the Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach program at 1-877-TX-COAST (892-6278).