Maria Elena Sandovici Art Exhibit at the League-Kempner House

Oct 19th

Maria Elena Sandovici Art Exhibit at the League-Kempner House

In addition to the grounds being included in the EEHDA's Fall Garden Tour on October 19th, The League-Kempner House will be offering discounted house tour tickets for $13, available on site for purchase with cash or credit.

During the house tour, join us for an exhibit of works by artist and writer Maria Elena Sandovici, author of the best-selling Galveston novel Storms of Malhado. This specially curated exhibit includes the debut of pieces inspired by Galveston and The League-Kempner House. Visit with the artist and enjoy light refreshments provided by ShyKatz.

A portion of the proceeds will benefit the League-Kempner House, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to restoring and preserving this Galveston architectural treasure.

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