Annual Black Drum Tournament
The annual Black Drum Tournament is back until March 31, 2025!
We are looking for the heaviest legal black drum!
$25 Entry Fee
1st Place Price: $200 + Annual Fishing Pass
2nd Place Prize: $100 + 9 Month Fishing Pass
3rd Place Prize: 6 Month Fishing Pass
4th Place Prize: 3 Month Fishing Pass
1. You MUST pay the entry fee before fishing in the tournament. No exceptions.
2. All Drum entered in the tournament must be caught during Seawolf Park open hours.
3. All Drum entered must be fresh and edible at the time of measurement.
4. Only persons wearing a current, daily Seawolf Park fishing wristband, indicating they have paid the daily fee, are eligible to enter fish on that day.
5. All fish entered must be caught by rod and reel at Seawolf Park.
6. Deadline for winning entry to be weighed is 12:00pm, March 31, 2025.
7. Employees of the Galveston Park Board are not eligible to enter the tournament. Winners are eligible to win one prize only.
8. Decisions by the judges are final.
9. The "two pole limit" will be enforced, utilizing bands attached by staff.
10. In case of a tie, earliest fish weighed wins.
11. Only participants officially entered in the tournament are allowed a reel in fish - no helpers.
12. All fish entered into the contest must be photographed by park staff showing weight and contestant.