Where To Get The Best Rum Cocktails In Galveston, Plus Special Recipe
Are you looking for a bar in Galveston with a great rum cocktail? Here's a list of some of our favorites...
Check out the bottom of this blog for a recipe of one of our favorite rum cocktails (besides a classic daiquiri) from Daiquiri Time Out (DTO): the Queens Park Swizzle.

Time Flies When You're Having Rum
What would island time be without a piña colada or Cuba libre? The history of rum and islands sail together to the point that without one, the other isn’t the same. The tropical climate of the Caribbean proved to be fruitful for the growth of sugar cane and with islands being important to the trade routes, rum became a currency.
Rum is also associated and was considered a drink of choice for pirates, privateers, and buccaneers — all who pillaged the Caribbean waters. Galveston has its own history of scalawag pirates with the most revered being the notorious Lafitte brothers, Jean and Pierre, who created a colony on Galveston’s east end named Campeche.
Since rum managed to outlast Galveston’s pirate days, our guide will help you locate a hearty selection to plunder for National Rum Day and beyond!
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