Galveston FeatherFest & PhotoFest Contest Winners, Events Details
FeatherFest is an annual birding and nature photography festival held during spring migration in Galveston.
Annually, the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council preludes Galveston FeatherFest with the Birding & Nature Photo Contest (AKA FeatherFest PhotoFest) which offers serious and casual nature photographers the opportunity to appreciate the spring migration.

2024 FeatherFest PhotoFest Winners
PhotoFest Grand Prize Winner
"Migrating Baltimore Oriole," by Anthony Louviere

Week 4 Winners

"Migrating Baltimore Oriole," by Anthony Louviere

"Mockingbird on a Fence Post," by Julie Chapa

"Marbled Godwit Photobomb," by Emily Neale

"Spring Time Bay Breasted," by Anthony Louviere

"Sunset Songs," by Mike Pantaleo

"Rising Ruby," by Dan Lotan
Week 3 Winners

"Rough Water," by Steve Schuenke

"Mmmm Crab Cakes!," by Karl Hoeffner

"Party Time!," by Karl Hoeffner

"Can You See Me Now," by Jim Stough

"In the Surf," by Greg Lavaty
Week 2 Winners

"Feeding Time" by Karl Hoeffner

"Migrating Yellow Warbler," by Anthony Louviere

"Cape May Warbler," by Mike Zarella

"Harrier Hunting," by Roy Freese
Week 1 Winners

"Look Behind You," by Dan Lotan

"Coopers Hawk Staring at Me," by Joseph Smith

"Watching Patiently," by Karl Hoeffner

"Great Horned Owl on Nest," by Andrew McCullough
About FeatherFest
Galveston is one of the top locations in the country for birding because it hosts a wide variety of habitats in a small geographical area where some 300 species make their permanent or temporary home throughout the year.

Mark your calendar for April 18-21, 2024 to attend Galveston FeatherFest: the largest birding festival on the Upper Texas Coast, and the only one with a dedicated nature photography track!
2021 FeatherFest PhotoFest Contest Rules
Photos must be of wild birds, not captive and must be taken in Galveston, Brazoria, Harris, Fort Bend, Jefferson or Chambers counties. In addition, the photos must be taken within the two years prior to March 1, 2021.
Photos must be e-mailed to by 10 pm by Sunday, March 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2021. Entries received after 10 m. will automatically be added to the next week’s contest. The winning photos will be published in the Thursday editions of the Galveston Daily News as well as on the Official Galveston Island Tourism Facebook Page and the FeatherFest homepage beginning March 18, 2021.
Entries are limited to two photos for each weekly contest and must be submitted in separate emails. If two photos are included in the same email only the first image will be considered.
The files containing the photos must be named using the following format:
Some email clients will resize your photos to reduce the size. It has been found that if one uses the web version of your email client, this can be prevented. Photos must be in JPEG format at 300dpi, not larger than 6MB, and a minimum of 1800 pixels on the longest side. (The photos can be larger than 1800 pixels on the longest side as long as they do not exceed 6MB.) Please do not downsize your images.
Images may be cropped, sharpened, color adjusted and/or altered in other minor ways. While cleaning of dust spots is permissible, removal of other elements such as distracting objects of the photograph is not permissible. Please do not include any watermarks or date stamps on your images.
Images may not be collages, composites or blends of more than one image. The original capture of the image must be available on request.
Photos must be accompanied with the following information included in the email: photographer’s name, title of photo, name of bird(s) in photo, location where the photo was taken.
Failure to comply with all the above requirements will result in the image not being considered.
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